Vital Link

Terms and conditions

Terms And Conditions

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Terms And Conditions

Terms of Use – Terms and Conditions

All access to and use of this Web site is governed by these Terms and conditions. Entering into this Online Store website indicates that you have reviewed the terms of Access and have agreed to be bound by these Terms and conditions.

Disclaimer – Terms and Conditions

All information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and may be subject to change without notice.

Vital Link Terms and conditions endeavors to ensure that the information herein is as current and accurate as possible; however, errors do occur occasionally. You are solely responsible for evaluating the accuracy and completeness of any content appearing on this website.

Vital Link will take every step to maintain the best customer experience for this website. There may be situations that will be require time to resolve. 

Vital Link does not warrant that functions contained on this website will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that this website or the server is free of viruses or other harmful components.

Access and Use of Information – Terms and Conditions

Access to this website is limited to viewing the linked web pages solely for legitimate business purposes to access the information provided by Vital Link Terms and conditions at this website. 

Any access or attempt to access other areas of the Vital Link computer system or other information contained on the system for any purposes is strictly prohibited. 

You may not use any information contained on this website other than in connection with a legitimate business purpose.

Trademarks – Terms and Conditions

This website contains many Vital Link and third-party trademarks and service marks. All marks are the property of their respective companies. 

All rights in the intellectual property contained in this website including copyright, trademarks, trade secret and patent rights are reserved. 

Access to this website does not provide permission to copy or use any of the intellectual property of Vital Link or its suppliers.

Hypertext – Terms and Conditions

Links to external, or third party Web sites, are provided solely for the participants’ convenience. Links taken to other sites are done so at your own risk and Vital Link accepts no liability for any linked sites or their content. 

When you access an external Web site, keep in mind that Vital Link has no control over its content.

Copyright – Terms and Conditions

All materials contained on this website are subject to the ownership rights of Vital Link and its suppliers. Vital Link hereby authorizes you to make copies of the content herein for your use for the purposes of learning about, evaluating, or acquiring Vital Link or products only. 

You agree that any copy made must include Vital Link copyright notice. No other permission is granted to you to print, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, upload, download, store, display in public, alter, or modify the content contained on this website.

Submissions – Terms and Conditions

All remarks, suggestions, ideas, graphics or other information communicated to Vital Link through this website will forever be the property of Vital Link.

Unless otherwise specified in writing, all material submitted to Vital Link will be presumed to be public and Vital Link will not be required to treat the information as confidential. 

Vital Link shall have exclusive ownership of all present and future existing rights in the information, without compensation to the person sending the information.

Vital Link respects your opinions and values your feedback. When posting a review of a product or service to this website, you agree to be respectful in your comments. 

The use of profanity and comments that are of a sexual, religious, political, racial, discriminatory, threatening, belittling, or harassing nature is strictly prohibited. 

Vital Link reserves the right to remove any posts or comments deemed inappropriate or offensive.

Linking Policy – Terms and Conditions

Links to this website without the express written permission of Vital Link are strictly prohibited. To request permission to link to the website, please send an email to

Vital Link may in its discretion cancel and revoke any permission it may give to link to the website at any time and without any notice or liability. The framing, mirroring, scraping or data-mining of the website or any of its content in any form and by any means is strictly prohibited.

You may not use any collaborative browsing or display technologies in connection with your use of the website or to post comments, communications, or any other data of any kind to or on the website with the intention that such postings may be viewed by other users of the Website.

Login Names and Passwords – Terms and Conditions

Certain areas and features of the website are accessible only to users who have been issued a login name and password by Pacific First Aid. 

For the purposes of accessing the website, login names and passwords remain the property of Vital Link and may be cancelled or suspended at any time by Vital Link in its discretion without any notice or liability to you or any other person. 

Vital Link is not under any obligation to verify the actual identity or authority of any person using login names and passwords to access and use the website. 

It is your responsibility and liability for the security of your login name and password, and the use and misuse of your login name and password. Vital Link will act upon any communication that is given with the use of login names and passwords. 

Vital Link may in its discretion at any time require proof of the identity of any person seeking to access and use the website, and may deny access to and use of the website or parts of it or refuse to accept or act upon any communication if Vital Link is not satisfied with such proof.

Your Information – Terms and Conditions

All information you provide through the website, including registration information (name and email address), payment information (credit card numbers and expiration dates), and transaction-related information, must be true, accurate, current and complete. Vital Link will rely on the information you provide. 

You will be solely responsible and liable for any and all loss, damage, and additional costs that you, Vital Link or any other person may incur as a result of your submission of any false, incorrect or incomplete information or your failure to update your registration information and payment information within 30 days of any change.

Vital Link is the sole owner of the personal information collected from this site. We will not sell, share, or rent this information to others.

For Further information please contact us

Vital Link.
1170 Glen Drive, Vancouver BC V6A 3M6
Tel: 604.638.1228 or 604.227.1389

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